Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (CHSS) have a range of resources to support stroke patients and their families.
The CHSS resources hub offers a range of easy-to-read health information to help people understand their condition, manage symptoms and live well at home. For more information on these resources and to download PDF versions of our booklets and guides or place an order visit: CHSS Resources Hub
The CHSS advice line service offers free, confidential support, information and health advice for people living with stroke, their families, friends, carers, and health & social care professionals across Scotland. The Advice Line is open from Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 4.00pm.Call (freephone) Tel: 0808 801 0899, Email: [email protected] or Text: 66777. For more information on this service visit: CHSS Advice Line
Page last reviewed: 21 Jul 2022