Module test Please provide some personal information before proceeding with this Module Test. This information is required for creating your certificate and will also assist us in evaluating the website. Each of the Managed Clinical Networks (MCNs) in Scotland will be given the names of those who have been awarded Module Test Certificates within their areas. We do not collect or share information on the number of times a person attempts the Test, or where a certificate is not awarded.Name* First Last Email* Do you live / work in Scotland?* Yes No Are you:* Employed by NHS Employed by Local Authority/Private/Voluntary sector A student A Carer or other Do you work in a:* Hospital Community Name of service (eg ESD, GP surgery): Enter your service nameWard no. / name:* You work in:*Nursing / residential homeHome care / communityPrivate hospitalCharitable organisationChoose your work environmentIs this ward a Stroke Unit?* Yes No Hospital name* Name of institution:* Enter the name of your institutionTown / City:* Enter the town / city where you workNHS Board*Ayrshire and ArranBordersDumfries and GallowayFifeForth ValleyGrampianGreater Glasgow and ClydeHighlandLanarkshireLothianOrkneyShetlandTaysideWestern IslesEnglandWalesIrelandNorthern IrelandCanadaUSAAustraliaNew ZealandOtherSelect your NHS BoardYou are an AHP student a Medical student a Nursing student Carer* Carer Person who has had a stroke Your profession*Academic researcherAdministratorDoctorDietitianHealth Care AssistantOccupational TherapistOrthoptistPhysiotherapistRegistered NurseSocial WorkerSocial Care WorkerSpeech and Language TherapistTherapy AssistantOtherSelect your professionProfession (other)* AfC Band*Band 2Band 3Band 4Band 5Band 6Band 7Band 8AfC not applicableSelect your AfC bandUniversity / College*Aberdeen UniversityDundee UniversityEdinburgh UniversityEdinburgh Napier UniversityGlasgow UniversityGlasgow Caledonian UniversityQueen Margaret UniversityRobert Gordon UniversityStirling UniversityUniversity of the West of ScotlandOtherSelect your University / CollegeCountry*EnglandWalesNorthern IrelandIrelandCanadaUSAAustraliaNew ZealandOtherSelect your countryThis is the module test for 'Physical Rehabilitation'. It is strongly recommended that you work though the learning materials of the module prior to commencing this test. By going straight to the test you may miss out on valuable learning contained within the module. The answers to all the test questions are contained within the module. This information may have been provided in the 'Additional Information' boxes on some of the pages. There are 20 questions and you must answer all of these correctly to obtain a certificate of completion. You should allow approximately 20 minutes to complete this test. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 1. Q. Participating in physical exercise programmes after stroke may have the following effects: (select all that apply)* Select All A. Improve muscle strength B. Facilitate weight loss C. Lower mood D. Improve balance and independence in everyday activities Part 1. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 1 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 1. Answer. Well done, A, B and D are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 2. Q. Practice of functionally relevant tasks out-with therapy sessions should be discouraged as they may be detrimental to a patient’s overall outcome.* True False Part 2. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 2 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 2. Answer. Well done, this statement is false. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 3. Q. Which of the following may cause an increase in the severity of a patient’s spasticity: (select all that apply).* Select All A. Relaxation B. Constipation C. Infection D. Pain Part 3. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 3 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 3. Answer. Well done, B, C and D are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 4. Q. Which of the following is the most important component of patient-centred goal setting?* A. Identified key worker B. Regular goal review meetings C. Active patient involvement D. Multi-disciplinary team involvement Part 4. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 4 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 4. Answer. Correct, active patient involvement is the most important component of patient-centred goal setting. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 5. Q. Which of the following activities constitute early mobilisation? (select all that apply).* Select All A. Transferring patient out of bed B. Patient sitting in chair C. Patient mobilising to the toilet D. Resting in bed all day Part 5. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 5 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 5. Answer. Well done, A, B and C are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 6. Q. Which of the following statements about Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) are true? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. An AFO is a device worn on the arm B. AFOs have a direct impact on the control of the ankle and knee C. AFOs should only be provided when a patient is nearing the end of their rehabilitation D. AFOs have indirect impact on the control of the knee and hip E. All staff are responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the fit and suitability of the AFO Part 6. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 6 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 6. Answer. Well done, B, D and E are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 7. Q. Fatigue after stroke is: (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Only experienced in the first two months after stroke B. Managed by planning and pacing everyday activities C. Reduced by resting for long periods in bed everyday D. Different from regular tiredness that everyone experiences E. Associated with low mood and depression Part 7. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 7 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 7. Answer. Well done, B, D and E are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 8. Q. Treadmill training should be considered for appropriate patients after stroke.* True False Part 8. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 8 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 8. Answer. Well done, this statement is true. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 9. Q. Arm function on the affected side may be improved by: (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Encouraging practice in doing everyday activities in the home B. Only doing exercise with the therapist C. Resting the affected arm D. Encouraging use of the unaffected arm in isolation Part 9. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 9 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 9. Answer. Well done, A is correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 10. Q. Barriers which could affect integration and participation in activities after discharge from hospital include? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Confidence to get out and use community facilities B. Family anxieties hindering a person’s participation C. Difficulty accessing public transport D. Reduced stamina to walk outdoors Part 10. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 10 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 10. Answer. Well done, all of the above are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 11. Q. A patient receives Botulinum Toxin injections into their hand. Which of the following strategies could maximise the possible benefit? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Limiting wrist and finger stretches to therapy sessions only B. Providing an appropriate hand splint with a clear application strategy C. Providing an exercise programme D. Keeping the hand immobilised Part 11. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 11 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 11. Answer. Well done, B and C are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 12. Q. A patient is keen to walk on the ward but the therapists have concerns. Which of the following must be considered by the team prior to making a decision on whether the patient can walk in the ward or not? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. The possible negative impact on the patient’s mood and motivation if it is deemed that they are not allowed to walk on the ward B. The ability of the patient to walk in that environment and of the staff on the ward to provide appropriate level of assistance in order that they can mobilise safely. C. The potential for the patient to develop compensatory strategies by walking too soon that might impact on their overall outcome D. The right of the patient to make an informed choice about their treatment Part 12. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 12 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Emotional impact of stroke.Part 12. Answer. Correct, all of the above are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 13. Q. Which of the following strategies could you use to reduce fatigue during the early phase of rehabilitation? (select all that apply).* Select All A. Introduce a structured timetable for the patient B. Deliver joint therapy sessions C. Fit the patient’s treatment around the therapists’ day D. Liaise with the family about visiting times Part 13. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 13 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 13. Answer. Well done, A, B and D are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 14. Q. Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are solely responsible for delivering rehabilitation.* True False Part 14. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 14 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 14. Answer. Well done, this statement is false. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 15. Q. Which of the following is a contraindication to the application of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Controlled epilepsy B. Spasticity C. Oedema (swelling) D. Lower motor neurone conditions Part 15. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 15 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 15. Answer. Well done, D is the correct answer. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 16. Q. All patient-centred goals must be achievable?* True False Part 16. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 16 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation..Part 16. Answer. Well done, this statement is false. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 17. Q. What are the common components of physical management in stroke rehabilitation? (select all that apply).* Select All A. Tone management B. Gait re-education C. Motor control D. Self practice E. Compression stockings Part 17. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 17 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 17. Answer. Well done, A, B, C and D are correct. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 18. Q. Which of the following is a role of the key worker in patient-centred goal setting? Select All A. Co-ordinate, document and communicate specific patients goals B. Collaborate with the patient and the MDT C. Review and re-set goals with the team and the patient D. Decide what the goals are Part 18. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 18 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 18. Answer. Correct, deciding what the goals are is not a role of the key worker in patient-centred goal setting. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 19. Q. All stroke patients can self-propel a wheelchair?* True False Part 19. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 19 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 19. Answer. Well done, this statement is false. Physical Rehabilitation: Module test – Part 20. Q. What physical management approaches could be used in gait re-education? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Treadmill B. Ankle Foot Orthosis C. Strengthening exercises D. Walking aids Part 20. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 20 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Physical Rehabilitation.Part 20. Answer. Well done, all of the above are correct. Back to: 07: Physical Rehabilitation module home page Advancing Modules Page last reviewed: 30 Apr 2020