Module test Please provide some personal information before proceeding with this Module Test. This information is required for creating your certificate and will also assist us in evaluating the website. Each of the Managed Clinical Networks (MCNs) in Scotland will be given the names of those who have been awarded Module Test Certificates within their areas. We do not collect or share information on the number of times a person attempts the Test, or where a certificate is not awarded.Name* First Last Email* Do you live / work in Scotland?* Yes No Are you:* Employed by NHS Employed by Local Authority/Private/Voluntary sector A student A Carer or other Do you work in a:* Hospital Community Name of service (eg ESD, GP surgery): Enter your service nameWard no. / name:* You work in:*Nursing / residential homeHome care / communityPrivate hospitalCharitable organisationChoose your work environmentIs this ward a Stroke Unit?* Yes No Hospital name* Name of institution:* Enter the name of your institutionTown / City:* Enter the town / city where you workNHS Board*Ayrshire and ArranBordersDumfries and GallowayFifeForth ValleyGrampianGreater Glasgow and ClydeHighlandLanarkshireLothianOrkneyShetlandTaysideWestern IslesEnglandWalesIrelandNorthern IrelandCanadaUSAAustraliaNew ZealandOtherSelect your NHS BoardYou are an AHP student a Medical student a Nursing student Carer* Carer Person who has had a stroke Your profession*Academic researcherAdministratorDoctorDietitianHealth Care AssistantOccupational TherapistOrthoptistPhysiotherapistRegistered NurseSocial WorkerSocial Care WorkerSpeech and Language TherapistTherapy AssistantOtherSelect your professionProfession (other)* AfC Band*Band 2Band 3Band 4Band 5Band 6Band 7Band 8AfC not applicableSelect your AfC bandUniversity / College*Aberdeen UniversityDundee UniversityEdinburgh UniversityEdinburgh Napier UniversityGlasgow UniversityGlasgow Caledonian UniversityQueen Margaret UniversityRobert Gordon UniversityStirling UniversityUniversity of the West of ScotlandOtherSelect your University / CollegeCountry*EnglandWalesNorthern IrelandIrelandCanadaUSAAustraliaNew ZealandOtherSelect your countryThis is the module test for 'Service Improvement'. It is strongly recommended that you work though the learning materials of the module prior to commencing this test. By going straight to the test you may miss out on valuable learning contained within the module. The answers to all the test questions are contained within the module. This information may have been provided in the 'Additional Information' boxes on some of the pages. There are 20 questions and you must answer all of these correctly to obtain a certificate of completion. You should allow approximately 20 minutes to complete this test. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 1. Q. What is the most reliable method to establish whether a treatment improves patients outcomes?* A. Survey B. Cohort study C. Randomised controlled trial D. Case study E. National audit F. A focus group involving service users Part 1. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 1 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 1. Answer. Well done, the correct answer is C. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 2. Q. In a randomised controlled trial….. (Select all that apply)* Select All A. The protocol will define inclusion and exclusion criteria B. The patient, or their personal representative, should give consent before being enrolled C. The results will be more reliable if small numbers of carefully studied patients are enrolled D. Ideally, neither the patient, or their carers know which treatment group they are in E. The person assessing the patients outcome needs to be aware of which treatment the patient has received Part 2. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 2 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 2. Answer. Well done, A, B and D are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 3. Q. Before a randomised controlled trial can start which of the following must be in place? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Approval from a research ethics committee B. Local Research & Development approval C. A job description D. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training for staff recruiting or assessing patients E. Approval from the Governance committee F. A clinician who will take overall responsibility for the trial Part 3. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 3 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 3. Answer. Well done, A, B, D and F are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 4. Q. The strength of evidence for a treatment depends on the following …(Select all that apply)* Select All A. The quality of the research methods B. The cost of the research C. The numbers of patients entered into the trials D. The number of trials which have assessed the treatment E. The number of trials published in English-language journals Part 4. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 4 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 4. Answer. Well done, A, C and D are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 5. Q. Which of the following are associated with systematic reviews? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Protocol B. Search strategy C. Reporting bias D. Meta-analysis E. Cochrane Library F. Sheila G. DORIS Part 5. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 5 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 5. Answer. Well done, A, B, C, D, E and G are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 6. Q. Which of the following are evidence based guidelines relevant to stroke care? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. SIGN 108 B. SIGN 118 C. Scottish Government Better Heart Disease & Stroke Care Action Plan D. Scottish Stroke Care Audit Annual Report E. British National Formulary Part 6. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 6 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 6. Answer. Well done, A and B are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 7. Q. Which of the following statements are true? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. A guideline statement based on Grade A evidence is more important than one based on Grade B B. A guideline based on Level I evidence is more reliable than one based on Level III C. Patients should always be treated according to evidence based guidelines D. It is illegal to not to treat a patient in accordance with guidelines Part 7. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 7 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 7. Answer. Well done, B is correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 8. Q. To meet the HEAT target for early access to stroke unit care what % of stroke patients should be on a stroke unit on the day of admission or the day after by March 2013?* A. 50% B. 70% C. 80% D. 90% E. 100% Part 8. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 8 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 8. Answer. Well done, the correct answer is D. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 9. Q. Which of the following are NHSQIS (now HIS) targets relevant to stroke care in Scotland? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. 90% of stroke patients should be admitted to a stroke unit on the day of hospital admission B. All patients with ischaemic stroke should receive aspirin or another antiplatelet drug on the day of admission, or the day after C. All patients with stroke should have a swallow screen on the day of admission D. 80% of stroke and TIA patients should be seen in a specialist clinic within 2 weeks of the event E. 80% of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy should have the procedure within 2 weeks of the last event Part 9. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 9 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 9. Answer. Well done, A, C and E are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 10. Q. The Scottish Stroke Care Audit … (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Monitors hospitals performance against NHSQIS and HEAT stroke targets B. Reports performance on a monthly basis back to hospitals providing data C. Provide detailed information on the cost of stroke care in different hospitals D. Holds an annual meeting where efforts to improve performance are discussed E. Assists in driving improvement in stroke care in hospitals across Scotland Part 10. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 10 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 10. Answer. Well done, A, B, D and E are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 11. Q. The Scottish Stroke Care Audit … (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Monitors the numbers of stroke patients receiving thrombolysis B. Monitors the proportion of patients receiving thrombolysis within 60 minutes of arrival at the first hospital C. Monitors the proportion of patients who are eligible for treatment with thrombolysis who actually receive it Part 11. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 11 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 11. Answer. Well done, B is correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 12. Q. Managed clinical networks for stroke … (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Should involve patients and carers in planning and delivery of stroke services B. Were primarily set up to facilitate stroke research C. Should have a manager/ coordinator and a clinical lead D. Aim to improve stroke care leading to improved performance against stroke standards Part 12. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 12 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 12. Answer. Well done, A, C and D are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 13. Q. What difficulty could spatial awareness problem cause?* A. Colour blindness B. Inability to know where things are located in relation to each other C. Speaking problems D. Inability to recognise objects despite intact vision Part 13. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 13 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Vision after stroke.Part 13. Answer. Well done, the correct answer is B. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 14. Q. Standardised testing, behavioural observations and functional assessment can all be used to assess for visual perceptual problems and their effect on functional performance.* True False Part 14. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 14 incorrectly. Revise the learning materials for Vision after stroke.Part 14. Answer. Well done, this statement is true. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 15. Q. Which of the following colours are used to indicate NHS Boards progress against Priorities in the action plan? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. BLACK – NOT STARTED B. RED – AT RISK C. AMBER – SOME SLIPPAGE D. GREEN – ON TARGET E. BLUE – COMPLETE F. PURPLE – EXEMPT Part 15. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 15 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 15. Answer. Well done, A, B, C, D and E are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 16. Q. Which of the following interventions should be routinely used to reduce post-stroke DVT? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Low molecular weight heparin B. Graduated Compression Stockings C. Thrombolysis D. Ensure the patient remains on bed rest E. Fluid restriction F. None of the above Part 16. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 16 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 16. Answer. Well done, F is correct. None of the above interventions should be routinely used to prevent post-stroke DVT. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 17. Q.Which of the following are criteria for high quality stroke services? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Effective (i.e. improves patients’ outcomes) B. Efficient (does not waste resources) C. Accessible (easy to access) D. Safe (have few complications or adverse events) E. Timely (appropriate care is given at the appropriate time i.e. no long waits) F. Participation in research (identify future treatments) Part 17. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 17 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 17. Answer. Well done, all of the above are are criteria for high-quality stroke services. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 18. Q. Individuals working in the stroke service can contribute to improving quality by….. (Select all that apply)* Select All A. Working to evidence based standards of care B. Participating in collecting data to measure performance against standards C. Persuading patients not to participate in research studies D. Join MCN to take forward the quality agenda Part 18. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 18 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 18. Answer. Well done, A and B are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 19. Q. Stroke unit care…. Select all that apply)* Select All A. is supported by a Cochrane systematic review B. reduces the risk of dying after stroke C. leads to longer lengths of stay D. increases chance of being discharge home Part 19. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 19 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 19. Answer. Well done, A and B are correct. Service Improvement: Module test – Part 20. Q. Which of the following would improve performance against the swallow standard? (Select all that apply)* Select All A. All patients’ swallow screened on day of admission B. Postpone swallow screen until patient is admitted to the stroke unit C. Give them cup of tea and see if they choke D. Pass a nasogastric tube for all stroke patients who have not had a swallow screen E. Allow the patient the choice of whether they want to eat or drink before the swallow screen has been carried out F. Ensure the swallow screen is carried out by a competent practitioner G. If no one is available to carry out swallow screen test contact the stroke unit to request a competent practitioner to assess the patient Part 20. Answer. Unfortunately, you have answered part 20 incorrectly, or you may not have selected all the correct answers. Revise the learning materials for Service Improvement.Part 20. Answer. Well done, A, F and G are correct. Back to: 11: Service Improvement Advancing modules Page last reviewed: 24 Jun 2020