Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

20: Hyperacute stroke decision making for clinicians

This module was developed by:

Prof Martin Dennis, Professor of Stroke Medicine, The University of Edinburgh
Jacqueline Aim, e-learning Content Developer, Interactive Content, The University of Edinburgh

Experienced colleagues:

  • Prof Mark Barber, Stroke Physician, NHS Lanarkshire
  • Dr Tracey Baird, Consultant Neurologist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Dr Anthony Pereira, Consultant Neurologist and Stroke Physician, St George’s Hospital, London
  • Dr Shelagh Coutts, Professor of Neurology, University of Calgary, Canada
  • Dr William Whiteley, Reader, Deanery of Clinical Sciences, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, The University of Edinburgh

Scans and interpretation by:

Dr Paul Armstrong, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Institute of Neurological Sciences


Dr Fiona Wright, Consultant Stroke Physician, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and deputy advisor to the Chief Medical Officer

Dr Wazim Izzath, Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Institute of Neurological Sciences

Please note there is no formal assessment associated with this module.

You can receive a confirmation certificate indicating that you have accessed the resource if you complete a short evaluation questionnaire at the end of the module. 

Making the decision to treat

Aims of module To understand the factors which clinicians use to determine the balance of benefits and risks associated with...

Case 01

Clinical history and examination Age: 82 years, Female. Time of presentation: 11.00 History of event Symptoms: stopped speaking, right face...

Case 02

Clinical history and examination Age: 75 years, Male. Time of presentation: 08.30 History of event Symptoms: at breakfast wife noticed...

Case 03

Clinical history and examination Age: 64 years, Female. Time of presentation: 19:00 History of event Symptoms: husband witnessed stopped speaking,...

Case 04

Clinical history and examination Age: 64 years, Female. Time of presentation: 19:00 History of event Symptoms: husband witnessed stopped speaking,...

Case 05

Clinical history and examination Age: 86 years, Male. Time of presentation: 10:30 History of event Symptoms: unable to speak, right...

Case 06

Clinical history and examination Age: 36 years, Female. Time of presentation: 14:00 History of event Symptoms: 2 days of right...

Case 07

Clinical history and examination Age: 52 years, Male. Time of presentation: 11:15 History of event Symptoms: difficulty speaking, left arm...

Case 08

Clinical history and examination Age: 96 years, Female. Time of presentation: 09:30 History of event Symptoms: Got up from chair,...

Case 09

Clinical history and examination Age: 63 years, Male. Time of presentation: 19:00 History of event Symptoms: Loss of vision to...

Case 10

Clinical history and examination Age: 78 years, Female. Time of presentation: 13.45 History of event Symptoms: weakness of left face,...

Case 11

Clinical history and examination Age: 74 years, Male. Time of presentation: 23:00 History of event Symptoms: witnessed acute onset of...

Case 12

Clinical history and examination Age: 84 years, Female. Time of presentation: 12 noon History of event Symptoms: fell, fractured right...

Case 13

Clinical history and examination Age: 84 years, Female. Time of presentation: 12 noon History of event Symptoms: fell, fractured right...

Case 14

Clinical history and examination Age: 70 years, Male. Time of presentation: 18.45 History of event Symptoms: intermittent vertigo for a...

Case 15

Clinical history and examination Age: 59 years, Female. Time of presentation: 03:00 History of event Symptoms: reduced sensation over left...

Case 16

Clinical history and examination Age: 32 years, Male. Time of presentation: 10:00 History of event Symptoms: woke at 09.00 unable...

Case 17

Clinical history and examination Age: 69 years, Female. Time of presentation: 18:00 History of event Symptoms: fluctuating aphasia and right...

Case 18

Clinical history and examination Age: 76 years, Female. Time of presentation: 15.30 History of event Symptoms: slurred speech, severe left...

Case 19

Clinical history and examination Age: 76 years, Male. Time of presentation: 10.00 History of event Symptoms: in hospital for last...

Case 20

Clinical history and examination Age: 79 years, Male. Time of presentation: 17.45 History of event Symptoms: right arm weakness Current...

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