“The repetitive movement or ‘jumping’ caused by the alternate stretching and unloading of the muscle spindles”… as a reaction to stretch e.g. foot on foot plate triggering stretch reflex due to shortened plantarflexors – “rhythmic contractions of both gastroc and soleus in response to dorsiflexion of the ankle”
Stevenson VL, Spasticity Management, Clinical Rehabilitation 24: 293-304, 2010
“Alternate involuntary muscle contraction in rapid succession which can be set in motion by reflex testing.”
clonus. (n.d.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. (2003). Retrieved September 12 2017 The Free Dictionary: Medical Dictionary
Sudden involuntary movement frequently “precipitated by muscle stretch, they can also be triggered via a variety of peripheral, noxious and visceral afferents e.g. pressure sores, bowel impaction, urinary retention or infection”
Stevenson VL, Spasticity Management, Clinical Rehabilitation 24: 293-304, 2010
Small involuntary muscular contractions visible under the skin.
Myoclonic jerks
Short lived motor twitches of isolated, involuntary movement.
Page last reviewed: 04 May 2020