Bob Finlay is a community key worker (see Additional Information box below). He has worked with stroke patients for five years and has completed the stroke core competencies, toolkit and advanced modules. Bob has also undertaken training in patient centred goal setting and applies this whenever possible to his patients in the community.
Bob has Florence, a student nurse, work shadowing him for the week. He explains to her what his role is and how he believes that it is important for people to be able to self manage their own condition. His main goal is to facilitate, encourage and support people in being able to do this. Bob’s experience has shown him that people who gain these skills have a better overall quality of life, are less dependent and make better use of social and healthcare services.
Florence tells Bob about her recent placement in the stroke unit and how she observed patients setting their own goals and doing self practice tasks in the ward. They agree how good it is to see these self management strategies being applied so early on in the rehabilitation process, and that these skills need to be built on once home. Florence is keen to see what different strategies are used in the community and how they differ from those applied in the hospital setting.
Let’s have a look at Bob’s diary for the week …
Page last reviewed: 04 Nov 2021