Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

18: Sensitive and effective conversations at end-of-life care after acute stroke


The answers to all the test questions are contained within the module.

Module Authors

Module Lead Professor Gillian Mead, University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian Group Members Dr Akila Visvanathan, Consultant in Stroke and...

In the first few hours

Framework for discussion Within the first few hours of stroke, the priority for communication will generally include discussion about diagnosis,...

In the first few days

Context for discussion The patient will probably have been transferred to an acute stroke unit Complications such as aspiration pneumonia...

How to have effective conversations with distressed or upset families

Context Relatives can be extremely upset after the diagnosis of stroke. This may come across as anger or aggression towards...

Nutrition and Hydration issues

Introduction The RCP have recently updated their guidance document for supporting people who have eating and drinking difficulties, particularly at...

Communication with families and patients when the stroke patient is close to death

General Points about discussions about ‘goals of care’ In the ‘first few hours’ scenario, we explored how to have conversations...

Communication within teams

The importance of good communication within teams In this section we want you to look at your own communication; how...


Having sensitive and effective conversations with patients and their families after a severe stroke can help ensure that the care...

Page last reviewed: 16 Jan 2023