The current (August 2012) top 10 priorities are:
1. Reducing delays to carotid surgery
5.54 – reduce the current unacceptable delays in time to carotid endarterectomy for eligible patients
2. Improving access to imaging
5.29 – assess delivery of duplex ultrasound, CT an MRI services. Can they be delivered on a 24-hour basis in all hospitals admitting stroke patients, and the additional neuroradiology capacity required.
3. Improving rehabilitation and recovery
5.46 – Encourage the use of the Stroke Workbook which provides information and support to patients who have had a stroke and their carers
4. Improving thrombolysis services and stroke care
5.17 – facilitate access to thrombolysis for stroke patients and
5.20 – delivery of optimal hyper-acute stroke care, including thrombolysis
5. Raising awareness of stroke
5.6 – delivery of staff training including FAST
6. Improving stroke services
5.61 – STARS training for all staff involved in stroke care
7. Improving stroke services
5.1 – stroke units include essential elements identified in Chapter 5 of the
Action Plan
8. Raising public awareness of stroke
5.4 – support ongoing (FAST) public awareness campaigns run by CHSS
9. Improving rehabilitation and recovery
5.40 – Work with leisure industry colleagues to improve access to exercise
and fitness training for people with stroke
10. Improving early supported discharge
5.34 – Access to early supported discharge and community rehabilitation teams to assist people who have had a stroke to become as fully independent as possible.
When all NHS Boards are achieving individual priorities they are reviewed and some may be ‘parked’ for review at a later date allowing new priorities requiring action to be added to the Action Plan top 10.