Select the items below that you think would be helpful to lessen Jock’s distress.
Strategy 1
Offer reassurance that emotional distress is a common problem after stroke and may improve with time
Offering this reassurance helps Jock to realise that these are normal feelings and there is a reason to be optimistic. Also it would be good practice to identify any particular issues that are distressing Jock and try to find ways of resolving these.
Pay attention to Jock when he seems brighter but don’t pay attention to him when he seems upset
This would not be helpful as Jock will feel ignored and unsupported. This could in fact be very detrimental to his well-being.
Strategy 2
If these strategies are not helpful to Jock and you see no change in his behaviour it would then be appropriate to refer him for further assessment through either:
- GP
- Stroke Liaison Nurse
- Stroke Psychologist
- District Nurse
Issues that are likely to make…
Emotions commonly experienced…
Page last reviewed: 05 Aug 2021