Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

8: Moving, handling and safety


This activity looks into the knowledge and skills required to enable health and social care staff to move and handle individuals safely and promote awareness of their own abilities and limitations.

NB: This module has undergone a full content review and update March 2021

Learning Points:

  • Identify the effects stroke may have on an individual’s ability to move themselves around independently
  • State how the individual may be at risk due to inappropriate moving and handling following stroke
  • Describe how staff may establish an individual’s ability to move themselves around independently following stroke
  • Explain how a stroke can result in an individual being unaware of their difficulties and limitations
  • State how poor safety awareness following stroke may increase the risk of injury
  • Identify strategies which may be used to assist an individual with altered safety awareness following stroke

Page last reviewed: 22 Mar 2021