Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

Knowledge, skills and benefits


Stroke may mean that the individual is unable to perform daily activities because of weakness, fatigue, sensory, visual, cognitive or perceptual problems. It may cause individuals to have difficulties performing activities such as washing, dressing, domestic, work and leisure tasks.


To know (or at least know how to find out) the individuals level of ability to carry out daily living activities and how to support them to engage in the activities they want or need to be able to do. Those who provide assistance with everyday activities should be able to do so in a way which ensures safety while retaining as much of the individual’s independence, autonomy and dignity as possible.

Benefits to the individual

Individuals will maximise their independence whilst ensuring their safety and dignity. For example, they will have adequate nutrition if they are able to eat independently and will be more likely to be able to look after themselves.

Page last reviewed: 17 Oct 2020