Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

Moving forward

Helping Jim to move forward

Jim’s goal is to return to bowling. The following are strategies you and Jim could use to try and achieve this goal:

  • Break down the goal into smaller steps
  • Set a timescale with Jim to achieve these smaller steps
  • Reassure him that these smaller steps are still working towards the goal
  • Ensure that Jim is involved in each stage of the process. This will help to make him feel more in control and take on responsibility for his rehabilitation
  • Identify other related aspects of bowling which Jim enjoyed e.g. watching the games at the club
  • Seek other specialist help e.g. physiotherapy input to work on Jim’s balance and stamina, occupational therapy input to whether driving might be possible or if further specialised assessment is needed, as well as support to help him manage his fatigue
  • Regularly review the progress and address any concerns as they arise

It is important to ensure that the person’s goal is something they want or need to be able to do as they are more likely to be active in their rehabilitation and to achieve their goals.

Jim’s stroke affected his ability to play bowls, a leisure activity which he enjoyed. It is important to identify the support he requires to help him to engage with his hobby in a safe and independent manner.

For more on goal setting see Self Help 4 Stroke: Jim – I want to get out and about: Goal setting plan


Page last reviewed: 17 Oct 2020