We have now reviewed the healthy heart. The next section will describe an overview of some of common investigations for the diagnosis, assessment, or exclusion of cardiac disease. These will follow a full clinical consultation and examination.
Name of test | What it is | Rationale |
Pulse | Manual measurement of arterial pulse. | To measure number of heartbeats per minute (rate), assess if pulse is regular or not (rhythm) and identify strength (volume) of pulse. |
Blood pressure (BP) | Recorded as two readings: systolic and diastolic, e.g., 120/80mmHg
High blood pressure very rarely has any symptoms. Measuring someone’s blood pressure is the only way to know what it is. ABPM provides a full 24-hour profile of someone’s blood pressure. HBPM can reduce the “white coat effect” and can provide several recordings over a number of days. It also promotes self management. |
Venous blood tests |
To assess general health, risk factors for cardiovascular disease or damage to heart muscle. |
Electrocardiogram (ECG) | Recording of the electrical signal between electrodes which are placed on chest, wrist and ankles. | Provides a recording of the electrical activity of the heart in the form of a graph. |
Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT) | Type of ECG which records the electrical activity of the heart when walking and talking on a treadmill and/or bike. | Can be used to diagnose angina and assess its severity. |
Echocardiogram (‘echo’) | Ultrasound scan of the heart | To assess the size of the heart, how well the heart muscle and the valves are working. |
Chest x-ray (CXR) | Imaging of the heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels and the bones of the spine and chest. | Useful for showing the size and shape of the heart, detecting chest disorders and showing any fluid in the lungs. |
Ambulatory ECG / Event recorders | Type of ECG which monitors electrical activity over a period of time as someone goes about their normal activities. Small metal electrodes are attached to the chest. Wires from the electrodes are connected to a small lightweight recorder (Holter monitor). | Used to detect, characterise and record heart arrhythmias. |
Page last reviewed: 20 May 2020