Welcome to the new HEARTe15: Women’s Heart Health eLearning resource.
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) are pleased to launch a new HEARTe Women’s Health eLearning resource: HEARTe15: Women’s Heart Health. This new module has been created by a range of health care professionals with experience, expertise and overall interest in women’s heart health.
The purpose of this free online module is to provide an educational resource with a specific focus on women’s heart health. This is a unique module as it is the first CHSS eLearning resource aimed at both health care professionals and those with lived experience audiences.
In developing this new HEARTe module consideration has been given to:
- the style of writing that aims to be as accessible and inclusive as possible
- providing an enjoyable way of learning, utilising a range of both text and interactives to improve users understanding of women’s heart health
- ensuring content is evidence based and up to date
- signposting to further information and support across Scotland
The CHSS Women’s HEARTe Module Development Group and the CHSS Women’s Health Steering Group hope you find this new HEARTe Module 15: Women’s Heart Health resource informative and enjoyable.
For your consideration
Please note that ‘Pulse Points‘ appear on certain pages of this module. Pulse Points are included for you to take some time to reflect on ‘themes’ raised or to highlight other ‘themes’ you may wish to consider.
This module contains a View Text Alternative (VTA) option. Where diagrams, pictures and interactives appear there is the option to read a VTA. This helps people with visual disabilities to understand pictures and other graphical content.
General Medical Disclaimer: The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, recommendations, opinions and other material contained on or accessed through this website (or in any module or content accessible through this website) (together “Website”), is intended for general informational purposes only. The information should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis, recommendations or treatment. The information on this Website is provided without any assurance, representations or warranties, express or implied. We do not warrant that the information on this Website is applicable to all healthcare practices, geographical locations, health needs or circumstances. We do not warrant that the information on this module is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading. You should always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions related to your health or wellbeing. Never disregard or delay seeking medical advice due to something you have read on this Website. The use of or any reliance placed on any information provided on or accessed through this Website is solely at your own risk. If you have any specific questions or concerns about your health, please consult a qualified healthcare provider or other qualified medical professional. Do not rely on the information on this Website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other qualified professional healthcare professional or healthcare provider.
NB: When you find a term that you don’t know, please use the HEARTe Glossary for more information and explanation.

Welcome to the Women’s Heart Health eLearning Module, a comprehensive educational resource designed for both health professionals and the general...

Definitions in this Context
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general name for health conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease is...

What You Can Do
Action is needed to help reduce the incidence of heart disease among women and improve overall heart health. Both health...

Scenario 1: Isla
Who is Isla: 32 year old woman South Asian ethnic background Mother to 2 young children Unpaid carer for her...

Scenario 2: Morag
Who is Morag: 55 year old woman Ethnic background is white, Scottish Works part-time as a cleaner for a primary...

Scenario 3: Rebecca
Who is Rebecca: 45 year old woman Ethnic background is white, Scottish Works full time in a very stressful job...
