Heart Education Awareness Resource and Training through eLearning (HEARTe)

9. Cardiac investigations

Learning outcomes

  • Describe common diagnostic tests for investigation of cardiac disease
  • Identify possible clinical indications for these cardiac investigations
  • Consider how to use a person-centred approach to decision making in determining appropriateness of investigations into cardiac disease
  • Recognise common electrocardiographic abnormalities
  • Understand the use of imaging to identify flow/functional/structural abnormalities


Module Team Module Lead Linda ONeill, Lecturer in Nursing, University of Dundee (previously Area Development Manager Scotland, British Heart Foundation)...


Electrical activity of the heart Before commencing this section of the module, we would suggest that you review the electrical...


Introduction In this section, which expands on Common Cardiac Investigations, we are going to cover the various types and methods of...

Other monitoring

Having covered cardiac monitoring and 12-lead ECGs, we will now consider other types of cardiac monitoring/investigations which may be performed....

Module test

This is the module test for ‘HEARTe 9: Cardiac investigations’. It is strongly recommended that you work through the learning...