Heart Education Awareness Resource and Training through eLearning (HEARTe)

Case 3: Rose

Meet Rose

Rose is an 82 year old lady who lives alone. She has carers who visit twice a day, normally mid-morning and early evening, to assist her with meals and activities of daily living. She has a number of long term conditions for which she takes regular medication. She mobilizes with the aid of a zimmer frame. A District Nurse has been attending twice a week to care for a wound on her leg, sustained after a fall 2 weeks ago.

Rose has collapsed in her kitchen.

Rose has collapsed in her kitchen

Pulse point

The number of people living with long term conditions in Scotland is predicted to increase greatly over the next 10 years. This, in turn, may mean additional out of hospital cardiac arrest call-outs to people with complex, long-term health issues.

Chronic Disease Management to Optimise Service Planning in Scotland: Projected Prevalence of Key Long Term Conditions in Scotland 2014-17: