Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

Key messages

Executive Functioning

Remember executive functioning involves skills such as planning, organisation, problem solving and flexibility of thinking. Often when we complete routine, every-day (over-learned) tasks executive functions may not be too important but as tasks become more complicated, novel, or if difficulties arise and we have to ‘think on our feet’ then they become increasingly important. We will learn more about Ray and executive functioning in the advancing module and how these difficulties might present in life outside the hospital.

Ways to support someone with executive functioning difficulties:

  • Educate and explain- while concepts such as memory and attention mean something to most people ‘executive functioning’ is often an unfamiliar idea. This makes education for the individual and those around them particularly important
  • Minimise distractions
  • Don’t rush. Encourage the individual to STOP and THINK about what they are doing
  • Work on one task at a time and make sure the goal is clear
  • Encourage the individual to check they are still ‘on task’ that is they are still working towards the goal they set and haven’t become side tracked
  • On more complex tasks encourage a step by step approach, perhaps suggesting planning and writing out the steps in the advance
  • Break larger tasks into smaller manageable chunks
  • Support the individual to create a structure and routine in day to day life
  • Smart devices (phones, watches etc) can be useful to help plan and organise but unless familiar the individual may need support to set up and use this technology. For some people wall planners and diaries may be just as effective

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It is sometimes said ‘we learn from our mistakes’ this is often less true for people with executive difficulties. Rather than watching an individual fail at a task try to provide support to allow them to succeed but without taking over and doing it for them- yes, it can be difficult to get the balance right.



Page last reviewed: 15 Jul 2022