Ana attended for an initial assessment alone, and was able to speak about her concerns following stroke. She spoke about her family not understanding what has changed for her since the stroke, and they believe that since she is up and walking that she is fine. Ana agreed to cognitive assessment to better understand what the cognitive changes have been. The results demonstrated difficulties with immediate verbal memory, and delayed recall, as well as language difficulties and slowed processing speed. It was decided that it would be helpful to provide a family session to discuss the results and how the family can help to support Ana’s recovery and cognition.
The strategies discussed involved providing psychoeducation to wider family about cognitive changes post-stroke (via this hand out) and to help them understand how any information needs to be presented in smaller chunks, and making sure Ana is paying attention before talking about important information, and the importance of reducing distractions in the environment. Ana needs time to think through important decisions and will benefit from writing things down and maybe using symbols or pictures to aid memory. An important part of Ana’s adjustment to the changes, has been to feel confident to wear her hearing aids, which she has been reluctant to wear, and to feel able to ask people to slow down when they are talking.
Page last reviewed: 15 Jul 2022