Having completed this module the learner should now know about:
Clinical research
- Asking and answering questions to improve stroke care
- Different types of studies for different types of questions
- Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) being the best for determining whether a treatment works or not
- Synthesising the results of relevant research
- The Cochrane Library
Evidence based guidelines
- How evidence based guidelines are developed and know about levels of evidence
Clinical standards
- The seven national stroke standards
- The Local Development Plans and Stroke Improvement Plan for stroke unit admission
Clinical audit
- The Scottish Stroke Care Audit (SSCA) and how to access reports
- Interpreting the reports on performance
Service improvement
- The Managed Clinical Network (MCN) and its role in quality improvement
- How audit data can be used to drive improvements
- Priorities from Better Heart Disease and Stroke Care Action Plan
- Local action plans including training and education
High quality care for all
- Delivering quality care to all patients in line with standards/guidelines
- The individual’s contribution to improving the quality of stroke services
- Raising unanswered questions and facilitating research
Topic Loops:
- Clinical audit
- Clinical standards
- Evidence
- Evidence based guidelines
- Improving patient care
- Research
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Page last reviewed: 16 Sep 2020