Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)


Having completed of this module, you will now:

Supported communication

  • Understand what supported communication is and how to use with someone who has aphasia.
  • Know about the level of disability that arises for an individual who requires support with communication.
  • Be able to recognise the most appropriate resources and strategies to use with an individual to support their specific communication needs.

Right hemisphere communication difficulties

  • Understand the specific communication difficulties that occur after a right hemisphere stroke.
  • Know about the appropriate strategies and resources to use with someone who has right hemisphere communication difficulties.
  • Be aware of the social, psychological and emotional consequences that occur due to a right hemisphere communication difficulty and how they affect the individual and their family/carers.

Living with a communication difficulty

  • Understand how the communication difficulties aphasia and dysarthria impact on everyday life for an individual and their family/carers.
  • Know about the resources, support networks and equipment available to live with a communication difficulty.
  • Understand the longer term issues of living with a communication difficulty such as employment, leisure activities and psychological adjustment.

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Page last reviewed: 17 Jul 2023