The GP?
Yes, the General Practitioner needs to have information regarding Jennifer’s condition, treatment, and medication in order that he/she can support her medically, physically and emotionally once discharged from hospital.
The minister?
Although the minister would not necessarily be contacted by the ward staff and would not be given Jennifer’s medical details he may be contacted by Jennifer’s daughter Wilma or her friends who have been visiting her from the church. The minister has visited Jennifer whilst she was in hospital and she may have already told the minister when the planned discharge date is.
Community Occupational Therapist?
Yes, the community occupational therapist will be providing and fitting the bathing equipment for Jennifer. It may be necessary for the community occupational therapy team to carry out a follow up visit to ensure Jennifer is confident using this.
Stroke Liaison Nurse?
Yes, the stroke liaison nurse visits the individual shortly after being discharged home then again throughout the first year with the number of visits dependent on the individual’s needs. The stroke liaison nurse can offer support and advice on a wide range of issues (e.g. driving or medication). He/she can also refer onto other agencies as appropriate (e.g. psychology).
Community Physiotherapy?
Yes, it has been highlighted in the case study that Jennifer will need ongoing physiotherapy from the domiciliary team once she is discharged home, to improve her outdoor mobility (particularly to increase her confidence).
Social Worker?
Not necessarily as Jennifer does not require any specialist input from social services at the point of discharge home. Some people suffering a stroke however, may require a package of care to support them in their own home or need information on appropriate benefits and/or financial advice. If this was the case it would be social services who would deal with this.
Yes, Wilma is Jennifer’s next of kin and will be a support to Jennifer once she is discharged home. Jennifer is keen for her daughter to be involved in her on-going rehabilitation and Wilma is happy to help where she can.
Stroke Volunteers?
Not necessarily – there are many stroke volunteer groups who visit people in their own homes and also arrange meetings, education groups and social networking. Jennifer may be keen to be involved with one or several of the voluntary groups if they operate in her area.
Page last reviewed: 25 Feb 2020