Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)


Two months later Jennifer is still noticing improvements in her physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety as well as her ability to control these by using her chosen strategies. She no longer needs to use her diary as she is now aware of the triggers for her symptoms, however she regularly uses her diaphragmatic breathing exercises. Jennifer still feels that these are useful if she is going anywhere which is unfamiliar to her. By carrying these out it allows her to remain calm in most situations.

Jennifer has continued to set achievable goals which included walking to church alone. The goal setting strategy has proved to be beneficial and motivational for Jennifer. Jennifer’s daughter, her friends and the minister have all noticed an improvement in her mood and her confidence in her own abilities out with the home.

The stroke liaison nurse continues to follow up Jennifer’s progress and her recent mood screening test has shown continued improvement.

Page last reviewed: 26 Feb 2020