Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

Jennifer’s diary

10 June Description of situation Anxiety level
0 (no anxiety) –
10 (extreme anxiety)
Description of physical feelings/thoughts
3.15 pm Sitting in the living room looking at diary 4 Feeling a little worried thinking about my discussion with Fiona, the stroke nurse. I’m worried I’m not going to do this right. My body feels not too bad though.
4.30 pm Getting ready to go out with Wilma and Tipsy. 8 I’m shaking and can’t get my coat on. Worried that if I bend over to put Tipsy’s lead on I may fall over and hurt myself. I might have another stroke. Fiona said to watch my breathing. Can’t breathe very well at all and need the toilet.
5.30 pm Wilma trying to persuade me to go out. Standing at gate 9 I don’t feel steady, my legs are shaking, pins and needles, feel lightheaded, must be about to fall, pass out or it’s another stroke.
24 June Description of situation Anxiety level
0 (no anxiety) –
10 (extreme anxiety)
Description of physical feelings/thoughts
10.00am Making cup of tea in house 2 Feel fine. Practising my breathing. Not sure I’m doing it right but Fiona said I need to keep practising.
12.00pm Getting ready to go for walk with Joyce (friend from church) 7 Worried about being able to get out without worrying. Feeling a bit dizzy but trying to remember to take deep breaths. Worried I won’t do it. Feel shaky but trying to control it.
12.15pm Back from 10 minute walk with Joyce and sitting back down before making cup of tea 4 It wasn’t as bad as I thought. After a bit my dizziness went away and I felt less shaky. I wanted to turn back but Joyce made me stay with her. She told me the local gossip which distracted me. She also reminded me to take deep breaths … Wilma has been coaching her.
17 July Description of situation Anxiety level
0 (no anxiety) –
10 (extreme anxiety)
Description of physical feelings/thoughts
10.00am Standing at door of house about to go to church on my own (for the second time) 5 Need to take some deep breaths before I leave. I feel a little nervous and not totally steady on my feet but not as bad as 3 weeks ago. Wilma keeps reminding me that my dizziness and weakness do not mean I am going to have another stroke or will fall. I’m starting to believe this the more I practise.
2.00pm Getting ready to go out with Tipsy and Wilma (who has popped over with the grandkids). 5 Pleased I made it to church this morning. Feel very comfortable going out with family and feeling much better. I can do it on my own too but it is hard going. My heart doesn’t pound as much and if it does I try to keep going rather than hiding in the house.

Page last reviewed: 26 Feb 2020