Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)
Clinical history and examination
Age: 75 years, Male.
Time of presentation: 08.30
History of event
- Symptoms: at breakfast wife noticed left face droop, slurred speech and weak left arm
- Current time interval since last known well: 3 hrs 20 mins (200 mins)
Past medical history
- AF
- Previous minor strokes
- Moderate cognitive deficits
Relevant medications
- Bisoprolol
- Apixaban: last taken that morning
Relevant social history
- Living circumstance: living at home, with wife
- Prior function and care needs: mobile but needs supervision of most daily activities – mRS 3
- Work/hobbies: retired joiner, watches TV, walks the dog
- Pulse: 80 irreg, BP: 140/80
- Neuro:
- Handedness: left handed
- NIHSS: 10
- Deficits: left face UMN weakness, moderate dysarthria, flaccid left arm with inattention
Investigations requested with non imaging results