Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)
Clinical history and examination
Age: 64 years, Female.
Time of presentation: 19:00
History of event
- Symptoms: husband witnessed stopped speaking, right face, arm and leg weak
- Current time interval since last known well: 1 hr 30 mins (90 mins)
Past medical history
- Diabetes mellitus
- Proliferative retinopathy
- Ischaemic stroke 3 yrs ago
- End stage renal failure
- 3 x weekly haemodialysis (last completed 48 hrs ago)
Relevant medications
- Insulin: not taken today
- Aspirin
Relevant social history
- Living circumstance: at home with husband
- Prior function and care needs: independent in everyday activities
- Work/hobbies: retired shop assistant due to ill health, grandchildren, crosswords
- Pulse: 82, BP 174/75
- Neuro:
- Handedness: right handed
- NIHSS: 12
- Deficits: mod aphasia, right UMN facial weakness, some effort against gravity in arm and leg but no hand movement
Investigations requested with non imaging results
- BM 23mmol/l
- Hb 80g/dl
- Urea 22mmol/l
- Creat 300umol/l