Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)
Clinical history and examination
Age: 84 years, Female.
Time of presentation: 12 noon
History of event
- Symptoms: fell, fractured right neck of femur, found to have right sided weakness
- Current time interval since last known well: 2 hrs 45 mins (165 mins)
Past medical history
Relevant medications
Relevant social history
- Living circumstance: home alone
- Prior function and care needs: independent, walks with stick outside
- Work/hobbies: retired, knitting, volunteer in cafe
- Pulse: 70, BP 166/88
- Neuro:
- Handedness: right handed
- NIHSS: 8
- Deficits: right facial droop, moderate weakness right arm and leg, no hand function, sensory loss on right
Investigations requested with non imaging results