Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)
Clinical history and examination
Age: 70 years, Male.
Time of presentation: 18.45
History of event
- Symptoms: intermittent vertigo for a few hours, then double vision and an hour later left face, arm and leg weakness, severe slurred speech
- Current time interval since last known well: 12 hours since first vertigo, but 4 hrs 20 mins (260 mins) since diplopia and 3 hrs 20 mins (200 mins) since weakness
Past medical history
- Hypertension
- Type 2 Diabetes
Relevant medications
Relevant social history
- Living circumstance: home with partner
- Prior function and care needs: independent
- Work/hobbies: retired, seniors tennis
- Pulse: 110 irreg, BP: 190/100
- Neuro:
- Handedness: right handed
- NIHSS: 13
- Deficits: marked dysathria, dysconjugate eye movements, nystagmus, left face, arm and leg weak, unable to sit
Investigations requested with non imaging results