Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)
Clinical history and examination
Age: 32 years, Male.
Time of presentation: 10:00
History of event
- Symptoms: woke at 09.00 unable to speak, right sided weakness
- Current time interval since last known well: went to bed at 02:00 well, now 8 hrs (480 mins) after last seen well
Past medical history
- Heavy smoker
- On methadone programme
- Smokes ‘’white stuff’’
- BMI: 40
Relevant medications
Relevant social history
- Living circumstance: hostel
- Prior function and care needs: normal independent
- Work/hobbies: unemployed
- Pulse: 120, BP: 200/120
- Neuro:
- Handedness: unknown
- NIHSS: 21
- Deficits: global aphasia, deviated gaze, hemianopia, right sided weakness
Investigations requested with non imaging results