Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

5. Mood and emotions

Continence may be affected by mood and emotions
Anxiety Fear of being incontinent may lead to frequent use of nurse call bells and could impact on others in the ward area if not addressed. Emptying bladder too often can worsen sensation of urgency and actually increase frequency
Depression Low mood can lead to poor motivation to use toilet and increase dependence on using absorbent pads
Embarrassment Feelings of shame and embarrassment may lead to non disclosure or denial of bladder and bowel issues
Beliefs Individuals and/or staff may believe that bladder and bowel problems are a normal part of ageing or that nothing can be done to help them. They may believe that stroke does not cause bladder and bowel problems and may hide issues

For more information on emotions and mood  following stroke visit: STARS Core Competency 17

Page last reviewed: 27 Oct 2021