It is important to identify why a person is having problems with their bladder and/or bowel issues. Often talking sensitively with someone about their problems can give you a lot of information. However, there are also a number of investigations and assessment tools which may be appropriate to use.
For example:
- Fluid balance charts – record how often and how much urine the person is passing
- Food and fluid diary to ensure adequate fluid and nutritional intake
- Urine testing – used to indicate possible urinary infections (urine may also smell ‘fishy’ and appear cloudy)
- Bladder scan – shows whether the person is emptying their bladder effectively. Bladder scans are carried out by specially trained staff
- A bowel diary or documentation of bowel movements – records how often a person is opening their bowels. If a person has poor memory or is confused it is particularly important to record this information
Once the cause of incontinence is found, there are many bladder and bowel rehabilitation techniques you can use to help them recover their bladder and bowel function. A continence specialist may also be able to assist in making the correct treatment choices for a person with continence issues. A continence assessment should be done for each patient who is identified as having bladder and/or bowel problems.
Page last reviewed: 27 Oct 2021