Questionnaire Questionnaire for module 15 Name First Last Please enter your email, first name, and last name if you would like to download a certificate confirming your access to this module.Email Please enter your email, first name, and last name if you would like to download a certificate confirming your access to this module.1. Which of the following do you identify as? Please check all that apply Someone with lived experience of cardiovascular disease A woman A Man Health or social care professional Carer to someone with lived experience of cardiovascular disease Other/not listed 2. If you’re a health or social care professional, what is your profession?3. How did you hear about this resource? a. Search engine (ex: Google) b. Social media c. CHSS Advice Line d. Friends or family recommendation e. Colleague recommendation f. At an event (ex: Conference) g. CHSS website Other 4. What made you visit this resource? Please check all that apply: a. General interest b. Lived experience c. Healthcare interest d. Looking for specific information Select All5. If you are a healthcare professional, did you find this useful? a. Agree b. Neither agree or disagree c. Disagree d. Not Applicable 6. If you are someone with lived experience / non-healthcare professional, did you find this useful? a. Agree b. Neither agree or disagree c. Disagree d. Not Applicable 7. If you said agree, why? Free text response8. If you said disagree, why? Free text response9. If you said neither agree or disagree, why? Free text response10. Would you recommend this resource to others? Yes No 11. How would you rate this resource on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (best)?1234512. Do you have any suggestions?