Module Team
Module Lead
Linda ONeill, Lecturer in Nursing, University of Dundee (previously Area Development Manager Scotland, British Heart Foundation)
Group Members
Fiona Ross, Chief Echo Cardiographer, NHS Dumfries & Galloway
Dr Karen Smith, Consultant Cardiology Nurse, NHS Tayside/University of Dundee
Geraldine Brady, Clinical Nurse Educator, NHS Lothian
Leanne Gillespie, Advice Line Nurse, CHSS
Adelle Dawson, Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Grampian
Debbie Yorkston, Physiologist, NHS Lothian
Gillian Donaldson, Cardiac Specialist Nurse Lead, NHS Borders
Alistair Nicolson, Lecturer in Nursing, University of Dundee
Page last reviewed: 30 Jul 2020