For more information about these common physical symptoms see the ‘Additional Information’ box below.
Stomach Pain
Dry Mouth
Chest Pain
Tense limbs
Additional Information
When you are stressed, Adrenalin gets released into your body. This is a chemical Messenger which makes your body ready to run away or fight what it thinks is dangerous or threatening – the fight-or-flight response
When we were cave people, this was useful, as we were living in the wild and faced many dangers that were threatening to us. This does not happen nowadays but there Are times when our body feels we are in danger and that harm might come to us: for example, if we are nearly knocked down by a car, or if climbing up a high step ladder or if hearing a sudden loud noise. In such situations the body goes “on the alert” (e.g. heart goes faster and we breath quicker. But we can also react in the same way to things that worry us, like being criticised. When someone is finding a lot of things worrying, then the body gets into the habit of being “on alert” and physical symptoms of anxiety develop.
Anxiety is not an illness that you either have or don’t have – everyone has experienced anxiety.