The nurse also gives Jennifer another HADS to complete. Select the following link to see the results of this: Jennifer’s HADS [PDF, 383 KB]
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‘How are you getting on now Jennifer?’ asks the stroke nurse.
‘Much better. I have been using the diary and the goal setting plan that the team gave me,’ replies Jennifer.
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‘Have you found these helpful?’ asks the nurse.
‘Oh yes, I could see from the diary that the only time that I felt my heart thumping and the sweaty hands was when I knew that I had to go out somewhere. At first I barely managed out into the street but I just had to get on with it a bit at a time. I had to do it for Tipsy, she was going stir crazy!’ agrees Jennifer.
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‘How about the goal setting, did you manage okay?’ enquires the nurse.
‘Yes. Wilma helped me a lot and I didn’t go out on my own until I really felt that I could. It was useful to have a time frame to follow; it made me pace myself,’ explains Jennifer.
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‘Do you mind if I look at your diary?’ asks the nurse.
‘No of course I don’t mind, look my scale has gone from 9 down to about 4, that’s good isn’t it?’ says Jennifer.
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‘That’s brilliant,’ says the nurse.
Page last reviewed: 26 Feb 2020