Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

Which strategies would Jennifer like to try?

The nurse discusses these options with Jennifer. Jennifer would like to try to use goal setting and an anxiety diary. Together they develop a personalised goal setting plan. They try to focus on what Jennifer’s most important aims are and make the goals achievable. The nurse also explains to Jennifer how she may use her diary to chart when she has these feelings of anxiousness and what she is doing or planning on doing at the time they occur. The nurse also instructs Jennifer in effective diaphragmatic breathing techniques which some people find useful in helping them to relax. For further information on breathing techniques see the ‘Additional Information’ box below.

Jennifer Parks 10th June: goal setting
Aim Goal Date to be achieved
Recognise triggers of anxiety Recognise triggers/effective use of diary/use rating scales 1-10 (10 indicating extreme anxiety) 24th June (2 weeks)
Use diaphragmatic breathing technique at home when feelings of anxiety present. 24th June (2 weeks)
Use diaphragmatic breathing technique outside the home if anxiety presents. 2nd July (3 weeks)
Walking to church Gain confidence walking outside accompanied for 10 minutes. 24th June (2 weeks)
Walk to church accompanied, 20 minute walk. 2nd July (3 weeks)
Walk to church independently. 10th July (one month)
Walk Tipsy her dog Walk Tipsy accompanied to the bus stop, 10 minute walk. 24th June (2 weeks)
Walk Tipsy accompanied to the paper shop, 15 minute walk. 2nd July (3 weeks)
Walk Tipsy unaccompanied to the paper shop. 10th July (one month)
This goal setting plan will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Page last reviewed: 26 Feb 2020