Stroke Training and Awareness Resources (STARs)

The impact of Stroke

Jim has had a stroke affecting the right side of his body. The stroke has negatively impacted his mood/ impaired cognition, resulting in fatigue and changes in his behaviour. He also has continence issues.

Stroke can impact cognition and perception; how to interact with familiar objects, planning a holiday, handling money, driving etc. For some people stroke can result in communication issues; unable to understand the spoken word and difficulty with reading and writing. Stroke can also affect the senses: hearing, sight, taste, smell, touch and this can impact on personal safety: unable to feel hot/cold objects (tactile) or unable/unsafe to go out on own.

Information on sensory issues following stroke is covered in other STARs Core Competencies.


Emotions – Stroke may cause a person to become emotional and feel anxious, tearful or depressed. This may effect their ability to:

  • Engage in daily life
  • Catch up and interact with friends and family
  • Return to work

Stroke can also result in changes to a person’s personality such as anger, frustration and impatience. These can all have a significant effect on everyday activities and also make it challenging for families/carers/friends to interact with the person.

For more information on this topic visit Core Competency 17: Emotions

Vision – Stroke can affect vision impacting on daily activities such as:

  • Reading the newspaper
  • Watching TV
  • Driving
  • Not being able to go out on your own: safety

For more information on this topic visit Core Competency 11: Change in Vision

Limb weakness – Stroke can cause limb weakness and sensory loss. This can impact on daily activities such as:

  • Cutting up food
  • Getting around
  • Driving a car
  • Cooking a meal

For more information on this topic visit Core Competency 7: Muscle weakness

Balance – Stroke can affect balance impacting on activities of daily life such as:

  • Sitting at the table
  • Standing at the sink

For more information on this topic visit Core Competency 8: Moving, Handling and Safety

Communication – Stroke can affect communication, such as:

  • Using the telephone
  • Talking to others
  • Unable to understand the spoken word
  • Reading & writing

For more information on this topic visit Core Competency 12: Communication

Cognition and Perception – Stroke can impact on cognition and perception, such as:

  • Handling money
  • Planning a holiday
  • Driving

For more information on this topic visit Core Competency 16: Thinking, Processes and Behaviour

Sensory – Stroke can affect the senses:

  • Personal safety-cannot feel hot/cold objects etc
  • Hearing
  • Taste
  • Smell

More information on sensory issues following stroke is available in other STARs Core Competencies.

Page last reviewed: 17 Jul 2023